
Current/Elliot Denim Collection

Before you read any further, we must warn you that the subject of today’s story may cause you to commit many (if not all) of the seven deadly sins. We kid you not. There’s something about stylists-turned-designers Emily Current and Meritt Elliott’s new denim collection, Current/Elliott, which makes even the most upstanding women commit major vices. We’ve experienced it ourselves: lust (for everything in the fall line), gluttony (an insatiable appetite to buy every style), avarice (it brings out our greedy hoarding tendencies), sloth (unwillingness to take off our favorite items), wrath (that the girls didn’t create the line earlier), envy (that other people have pieces we don’t), and pride (over how we look in Current/Elliott).

In a world where clothing lines—especially those involving denim—crop up like wannabe starlets on the Sunset Strip, we’re positive that Current/Elliott has what it takes to make it big in a name-above-the-marquee sort of way. The collection’s spirit and style is firmly rooted in American fashion history, as the designers mined past denim classics to create vintage-inspired shapes. In the pants department, we’re particularly smitten with The Boyfriend (the cropped, slightly baggy jean is an homage to 1957 cool) and The Elephant Bell (a fresh take on a 1971 pair of bell bottoms, rock those with some Oliver Peoples sunglasses for a perfect post-hippie look). Also, notable: the unfussy cut of The Fontaine Short, the earthy sophistication of The Circle Vest, and The Artist Smock’s sturdy femininity. In addition to delivering precisely perfect cuts, Current and Elliot got the textures right too. All the pieces in the collection are made from 1% stretch Japanese denim and go through a wash process (details of which are “a Current/Elliott secret recipe”) that renders them deliciously broken-in, soft, and yummy to the touch.

Current/Elliott debuts at the end of the month (July 30th, to be exact), but there’s already a huge wait list at Barneys New York, so put your name down today. In addition to Barneys, the line will also be available at Ron Herman on Melrose and the Neiman Marcus flagship store in Dallas. We’ve also learned that Shopbop and eLuxury will also both take delivery of key Current/Elliott pieces in early August, so international shoppers have recourse too. Wherever you’re located, do seek out the line and see its many fine virtues in person. While Current/Elliott might trigger an onset of vices, missing this collection would be the bigger sin.