
Engulfing Your Damaged Teeth With Dental Crowns

Oral health is equally important since it determines your physical and emotional well-being as well. Any damage or disease affecting the teeth should be promptly addressed. Dental crowns are common dental procedures that provide a cascade of benefits to improve your oral health. 

The facility providing dental care for your family in Greenbelt offers advanced dental crowns that help restore and preserve the integrity of your teeth and overall general health. 

An insight into dental crowns

A dental crown is an artificial prosthesis or a tooth-like cap that helps restore weak, broken, or severely decayed teeth. The crown fits snugly over the tooth surface, thereby protecting and sealing it. The main aim of the crown is to prevent reinfection.

Crowns are customized according to your individual needs and may be made up of either metal, porcelain, or resin.

Indications for dental crowns

Your dentist may indicate a dental crown for the following reasons:

  • Strengthening a weak tooth
  • Protecting a cracked tooth from damage to the pulp
  • Restoring a worn-down or broken tooth
  • Holding a dental bridge securely
  • Covering a stained or discolored tooth
  • Covering a root canal-treated tooth
  • Enclosing a dental implant 

Types of dental crowns

There are different types of dental crowns based on your personal preference. These include:

  • Metal crown
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crown
  • Pressed ceramic crown
  • All-ceramic or porcelain crowns
  • Same-day dental crowns 
  • All-resin crowns 

Benefits of dental crowns 

Dental crowns offer the following advantages:

  • They prolong the life of your natural tooth
  • Improve masticatory function and speech
  • Saves the tooth from extraction
  • Protects the tooth from erosion and secondary infections
  • Highly durable and can last up to 15 years with proper care
  • Enhance your oral aesthetics 

Dental crown placement procedure

The dental crown placement involves the following steps:

  • Your dentist will evaluate your affected tooth and may require preparation to secure the crown.
  • Using rotary instruments, necessary tooth preparation will be done.
  • Your dentist will record full mouth impressions and send them to the lab.
  • Shade selection will be done according to your natural teeth and personal preference.
  • You will be given a temporary crown for protection until the permanent crown is ready.
  • After about a week, your dentist will place the permanent crown using appropriate dental cement.
  • The bite will be checked, and necessary corrections will be made.


Dental crowns are high-quality restorations that not only preserve your tooth structure but also protect the teeth and prevent reinfection. With proper oral hygiene practice, you can extend the longevity of your crowns to as long as 15 years.