
How to Write a Good Thesis Statement

Sometimes, students consider thesis statements as something not important and more optional. Nevertheless, a thesis statement is a pretty significant part of any academic paper. Despite its small quantity (usually around 40 words), a thesis statement centers the whole work and provides a reader some ideas, purposes, questions, and thoughts of a paper. In such a way, an author can draw the attention of readers to the main points of their article. Also, it’s impossible to receive an excellent mark with a bad-performed thesis statement.

Writing a thesis statement, a writer summarizes all the information of the whole work. It’s located after an introduction part, preparing readers for the content that they will get next. In this way, it’s a good decision to write a thesis statement in the first turn. You need to make it interesting and make readers want to read it ahead.

Don’t confuse it with a purpose statement which informs what you are going to do and the goals of the paper. A thesis statement is a short review of an article informing about its content. It must consist only of the information and facts that are already in the paper.

Tips to creating a perfect thesis statement

  • Before writing, conclude your subject. It may be used as the basis of your statement.
  • A thesis statement must be a brief piece of information for a reader of what your work is about.
  • Check thesis statements of other work. You may use them as a pattern if there are some successful ones.
  • Ask yourself a question “What is an article about?”. The answer can be a thesis statement.
  • Write a draft version. Edit it till the results will satisfy you.
  • Read it several times. Is there any grammar or logical mistakes? A thesis statement must be clear, understandable, and short. Rid of all the unnecessary information.

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