If you are reading this article, then it is likely you have just purchased CBD oil and you have discovered that the bottle you bought is gradually losing its contents. Or, you may be looking into how to sell CBD online and would like to provide your prospective customers with accurate information on CBD.
One of the things that you will understand when you get a bit more experience with CBD is how to get the dosage right. You might even be wondering whether you can increase your dosage without any issues, especially if you can find alternatives that taste much better. With that in mind, hereare 5 tips to ensure you use CBD oil the right way.
- Get a bigger bottle
Usually, CBD oil can be purchased in both 10 ml and 30 ml bottles. According to the economy of scale, the 30ml bottle will be much cheaper than 3 10ml bottles. If you are looking to stock up or would just like to increase your dosage, it makes much more sense to purchase a bottle with more CBD oil.
This reduces the stress of you having to buy CDB oil frequently after your current bottle runs out.
- Get stronger CBD oil products
It is possible to purchase CBD oil at various concentration levels. Getting a dosage of 10% CBD oil is like taking 2 doses of 5% CBD oil. What this means is that you get twice the benefit that you would for the same dosage if you use CBD oil with a stronger concentration of cannabidiol.
- Increasing the drops of CBD in your dosage
The most seamless way to increase your dosage is by consuming more drops of CBD oil every time you take it. This will deplete your stock of CBD oil much faster; however, you will be getting an increased dose of CBD every day.
This also means that you may have to increase your intake of the base oil, which could be hemp seed oil or olive oil. Consuming a large amount of CBD could have the same effect as consuming a laxative. However, this only happens when you take CBD oil in extreme quantities.
- Take CBD oil more often
Another great way to increase your dose of CBD each day is by taking it more times every day. This can seem impractical as most CBD oil users already take the oil in the morning and at night, so their CBD oil is usually left at home.
However, if you are interested in increasing your intake of CBD oil, the bottle will have to go with you wherever you go. This is an impractical solution and it is also not discreet.
Alternatively, you can get CBD capsules that have premeasured amounts of CBD, ensuring you are able to dose yourself and take as much CBD oil as you want without any difficulty.
- Change your CBD oil taste if you want
Typically, people claim that CBD oil has a taste reminiscent of grass. This is not actually true as CBD oils differ depending on the manufacturer and the processes involved in making them. That said, if you come across CBD oil that was not pleasant to you, focus on finding out what the base oil is and find something more suited to your palate.
The most commonly used base oils are hemp seed oil and olive oil. However, these have two different tastes, so it is important to know which is included in your CBD oil before making a purchase.