A lot of sellers are apprehensive about shipping their products internationally as they’re not sure about the customs clearance process and they don’t have a clear idea about the same. However, if you take guidance from a practicing customs broker then you will realize that it’s not as tough as it seems for most people.
What happens once the shipment arrives at the customs?
- To begin with, the customs officer looks through all your paperwork about your shipment. All international shipments need to have a commercial invoice. This document features the contact details of both shipper and the receiver including shipment details like export date and airway bill number. Furthermore, the invoice should also include a description of the item and its value in totality.
- The customs officer is also supposed to check if there are any taxes and duties that apply to your shipment or not. This basically depends on the type of goods, their pricing, and the laws and regulations of the country from where they are imported. If it’s found that the value of the items is above the threshold of taxation then the customs officer will check if the taxes and duties are paid properly or not.
- Moreover, the customs will request you to pay the taxes, including duties if they are pending. This is when the options like DDU or Deliver Duty Unpaid and DDP or Deliver Duty Paidcome come to play. If the shipment is marked as DDP then the seller doesn’t need to worry as all taxes are paid beforehand.
- But if the shipment is leveled as DDU then customs is supposed to forward the package to an indigenous customs broker so that he would collect the given amount. This can turn out to be a highly costly process as the brokers at this stage are independent and their fee will be different from one another. This is why it’s recommended to sellers that they must pre-pay duties for a better and streamlined delivery experience.
- Once the payment of outstanding taxes is confirmed, the shipment is released easily and it can continue to its final location.
To get your shipment processed and delivered in a timely fashion you will definitely need a more responsible customs broker who will keep a diligent eye on the packages and make sure that his customers don’t face any harassment at any point in time. Clearit customs clearance offers you just that comfort and convenience.