
What Kind of Cichlids You Need Now

Researchers found a whole laundry list of other genes that have undergone rapid evolution. Finally, three periods were discovered during the cichlid evolution in which transposons were active. Transposons are small pieces of DNA that can copy and paste themselves into the genome. Although these DNA fragments can cause problems for example, if they end up in the middle of a gene they also contribute to genetic diversity.

The Right Details

The details of these processes and how they worked together to bring about the species explosion of cichlids have not yet been resolved. So there is still a lot of room for further research. So expect an explosion of papers on Cichlids African in the future.

  • For other species such as the discus fish (Symphysodon discus and S.aequifasciata), but also Petrochromis, Tropheus or Satanoperca species, for example, is more need experience. Always make sure you inform yourself well in advance about the care of the species you choose and about setting up an aquarium and keep the water quality in the right placeholes.

Although these DNA fragments can cause problems for example, if they end up in the middle of a gene they also contribute to genetic diversity. The details of these processes and how they worked together to bring about the species explosion of cichlids have not yet been resolved. So there is still a lot of room for further research. So expect an explosion of papers on African cichlids in the future.

Common Options now

Common cichlid species are for sale for a few euros, special types often cost several tens of euros and sometimes even more. In addition, you have start-up costs for the purchase of an aquarium with design and technique.

  • You can buy cichlids from an aquarium specialist or from a breeder. Please pay attention when buying fish that they come from clean tanks with healthy animals. Choose the most active fish. Please pay attention that the fish have nice clean skin and are not lean. Release the animals gradually get used to the new water conditions, it is even better to get new fish in one place a quarantine bin. Recurring costs are those for food, test sets, filter material and energy for heating and light. You can also face costs if there diseases in the aquarium.

Finally, three periods were discovered during the cichlid evolution in which transposons were active. Transposons are small pieces of DNA that can copy and paste themselves into the genome. Although these DNA fragments can cause problems for example, if they end up in the middle of a gene they also contribute to genetic diversity. The details of these processes and how they worked together to bring about the species explosion of cichlids have not yet been resolved. So there is still a lot of room for further research. So expect an explosion of papers on African cichlids in the future.