
Maximize your settlement: Hire a car accident attorney in Pueblo

If you were injured in a car accident because of the other driver’s neglect, or disregard for safety, you can file a personal injury lawsuit. Colorado is a fault state, so the at-fault party is expected to pay compensation to the victim. This brings us to an important consideration – Do you really need to pay for a car accident attorney in Pueblo? In this post, we are sharing more on the importance of a lawyer and how they can maximize your settlement. 

When you definitely need an accident attorney

Colorado follows the modified comparative negligence rule. When you have share of fault (no more than 50%), you can still file a personal injury lawsuit against the other party. However, your share of compensation will be reduced by your fault in percentage. Car accidents are often complex, and one of the key reasons why you need a lawyer is to protect your rights and interests. Call an accident attorney, if – 

  1. You had a share of fault
  2. Your insurance claim was denied
  3. You are being wrongly blamed for the accident
  4. You are unsure of the claims process
  5. There were multiple parties at fault
  6. Your insurance settlement offer is too law
  7. You are being pressurized to give a statement

How can an accident attorney help? 

The role of an accident attorney is to ensure that clients get the best possible settlement from the case. A skilled lawyer knows how the entire system works, they can guide on filing the insurance claim, and offer advice on negotiation. You can rely on your lawyer to work with the claims adjuster. Also, accident attorneys do their own investigation, to prove fault and liability, and that can have a huge impact on how your case shapes up. Your lawyer will also prep for the worst-case scenario, where the matter ends up in trial. 

How much does a lawyer cost in Pueblo?

Most accident attorneys and personal injury lawyers in Pueblo work on a contingency basis. This means that they only charge their clients if they win. The contingency fee is typically around 40% or lower, depending on the facts and circumstances of the case. If you are working with an accident attorney for the first time, you don’t need to pay them upfront. However, do ask the lawyer about the expected expenses related to the lawsuit and if they can advance these costs on your behalf.  

Check online and find the right car accident attorney in Colorado now!