We’re living in the 21st century that is the age of science and technology. Despite our progress by leaps and bounds in this field, we have failed to make ‘domestic violence’ a not-in-practice barbarism. It is definitely an old but not an outdated practice and that’s very unfortunate.
The problem of domestic violence is not restricted to any particular class, community, or country; rather it is a pandemic social evil prevalent in every society.
If you are a victim of frequent or sporadic domestic violence, it’s time to seek help right away. Call the police, lodge a report, and contact a suitable local shelter that can provide a temporary stay to you and your children. It’s important to escape from your abuser as soon as possible.
Domestic Violence Hearting – What Happens?
The court, after receiving an official request for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order from your end, will schedule a hearing. At the domestic violence hearing, a judge will make a decision if there is enough evidence in support of protective orders that will favor the victim. Protective orders safeguard the victim by prohibiting the abuser from contacting the victim and getting closer within a particular distance to the victim –at home, in the workplace, or whatever place frequented by the victim – for a certain length of time.
In case the couples have minor children, expect the judge to give an order in favor of the victim when it comes to exclusive custody of any child involved. This is because the court wants to ensure that the children stay safe from the abuser and don’t witness any form of domestic violence. The court may even order that the abuser can have only supervised and restricted contact with the couples’ children. However, in extreme domestic violence cases, the judge may give an order strictly prohibiting the abuser to contact with the children in any way.
If you have petitioned in a domestic violence case
The word ‘petitioner’ refers to the victim of domestic violence and the ‘respondent’ is the alleged abuser. If you are the victim, you must ready to present the complete history of your turbulent relationship with your abuser. The details must include evidence of past abuses. All these are needed to establish your needs for protection and safe refuge.
Take photographs of your injuries. Photographic evidence will establish credibility in support of your allegation, especially where your testimony is the only evidence. If you have received treatment for your injuries related to domestic violence, prepare the prescriptions and bills to present to the court. Regarding the actual incidents rolling to domestic violence, you must submit all the details, including the place, date, and time of the incident.
If you want to seek emergency financial support for family maintenance at your domestic violence hearing, it’s must to testify about your financial requirements (for example, food, rent, child care, and insurance) and submit details about available financial resources to both parties. Prepare a list of your monthly income and expenses and submit all the supporting documentation to the court.
Finally but most importantly, hire a Toledo domestic abuse attorney for a concrete guideline to win favor from the judge at the domestic violence hearting.